Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Unsinkable!

I took a deep breath and the frozen air went down my throat and into my lungs. The cold air wraps around me and cradles me like a blanket. The weather is changing, and fast. I bounce up and down with the waves beneath my feet. The water's temperature is lowing, and I am having second thoughts on this journey. Everyone has confirmed me that this ship is unsinkable, but I question how much those brainless sailors really know. The waves hit the ship like flies hit a windshield, unnoticed and silent. I had just come from a meeting with the captain and crew. I went into the meeting with a cloud hanging over my head. For the news I had to tell the crew would upset them deary. Well, soon I would be proven wrong, but let's not jump ahead yet. The weather was changing and other ships were turning around, saying the path was to dangerous. I was going to the meeting tonight to express my concerns for the passengers and crew, and that we should turn around yourselves to be safe. I enter the room and their were a group of loud, laughing sailors huddled, around a table. We waited for the captain to arrive and the meeting began. We started with complaints from the passengers, then moved on to food, and other unimportant matters for about an hour. Finally it was my turn to speak. Standing in front of the clueless sailors, I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts. I told them that we were in danger of sinking and that we should search for a different route or turn back. All the crew burst into fits of laughter. I didn't understand; I thought they must have heard me wrong, so I told them again. They started laughing even harder then before. I asked them what was so funny. They said I was being stupid. The ship is unsinkable, they called. How could you be so envy as to think we could sink like those other ships, other would say. I tried to fight my point but they continued to make fun, so I stormed out. I am now outside on the top deck of the ship thinking of a way to make them turn it around. There was something that didn't feel right about continuing on. It was to dangerous. As I thought, a girl of 6 or 8 ran past me pulling her mother behind her to show her something. How could I let the crew take the chance with the life of a little girl like her. I had to talk to the captain again, maybe he would do something. I went down to the captain's room and knocked on the door. I tried to stress the fact that we had to change the course of ship or something terrible would happen. He just motioned me off and said I was worrying to much. "The Titanic is an unsinkable ship we are fine," he rang, "Nothing is going to go wrong." I gave up on trying to convince him, he wasn't going to change his mind. I have had tried everything and it may already been to late. The temperature of the water beneath the ship had dropped enormously and ice blocks were floating in the water. It was almost midnight but I couldn't sleep. I stayed on the deck, watching the water. Than the whole boat shook. I looked around to see what happened but I couldn't see. The crew found water spilling into the boat and ordered everyone to get to the lifeboats. There wasn't enough lifeboats for everyone on board and many frantic people jump to sea. Someone pushed me over and I hit my head on a wooden board. Everything went dark.
When I woke-up I was at home. I looked at my calendar. February, 2010. I was back home. It all felt so real, but was it only a dream. I didn't stop the Titanic from sinking, but I gave them a chance to change what happened. No one listened. But, it wouldn't have mattered anyway, it was just a dream. Right?

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